Engelsk ordbog

Info: Dette websted er baseret på WordNet fra Princeton University.

Engelsk navneord: pigment

1. pigment (om masse el. substans) dry coloring material (especially a powder to be mixed with a liquid to produce paint, etc.)

Mindre specifikke termercolor, coloring material, colour, colouring material

Mere specifikke termeralizarin, alizarine, animal pigment, bacteriochlorophyll, bister, bistre, bole, cadmium yellow, carotenoid, cerulean blue, ceruse, Chinese white, chlorophyl, chlorophyll, chrome green, chrome yellow, cobalt blue, cobalt ultramarine, cupric acetate, earth color, flavonoid, haem, haemitin, haemosiderin, hematin, heme, hemosiderin, Hooker's green, Indian red, iron blue, ivory black, lake, lake, lead carbonate, mosaic gold, orange, Paris green, Payne's gray, Payne's grey, photopigment, phycobilin, phycocyanin, phycoerythrin, porphyrin, protoheme, Prussian blue, retinal, retinene, sepia, stannic sulfide, titania, titanic oxide, titanium dioxide, titanium oxide, ultramarine, ultramarine blue, verdigris, water-color, water-colour, watercolor, watercolour, white lead, zinc white

Vedrærer disse overordnede termerpaint, pigment

2. pigment (om masse el. substans) any substance whose presence in plant or animal tissues produces a characteristic color

Mindre specifikke termercolor, coloring material, colour, colouring material

3. pigment (om genstand) a substance used as a coating to protect or decorate a surface (especially a mixture of pigment suspended in a liquid); dries to form a hard coating

Eksempler med tilsvarende betydningArtists use `paint' and `pigment' interchangeably.

Termer med samme betydning (synonymer)paint

Mindre specifikke termercoat, coating, color, coloring material, colour, colouring material

Mere specifikke termeracrylic, acrylic paint, antifouling paint, coat of paint, distemper, enamel, encaustic, finger paint, fingerpaint, house paint, housepaint, oil paint, semigloss, spray paint, water-base paint

Vedrærer disse specifikke termerpigment

Engelsk udsagnsord: pigment

1. pigment (om ændring) acquire pigment; become colored or imbued

AnvendelsesmønsterSomething ----s.
Somebody ----s

Mindre specifikke termerhue

2. pigment (om ændring) color or dye with a pigment

Eksempler med tilsvarende betydningPigment a photograph.

AnvendelsesmønsterSomebody ----s something

Mindre specifikke termercolor, color in, colorise, colorize, colour, colour in, colourise, colourize

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