Engelsk ordbog

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Engelsk navneord: building

1. building (om genstand) a structure that has a roof and walls and stands more or less permanently in one place

Eksempler med tilsvarende betydningThere was a three-story building on the corner.
It was an imposing edifice.

Termer med samme betydning (synonymer)edifice

Mindre specifikke termerconstruction, structure

Mere specifikke termerabattoir, apartment building, apartment house, architecture, aviary, bagnio, bathhouse, bathing machine, bawdyhouse, bird sanctuary, bordello, bowling alley, brothel, butchery, casino-hotel, cathouse, center, centre, chapterhouse, club, clubhouse, dead room, dorm, dormitory, eatery, eating house, eating place, farm building, feedlot, firetrap, gambling den, gambling hell, gambling house, gaming house, gazebo, glasshouse, government building, greenhouse, hall, hall, hall, Hall of Fame, health facility, healthcare facility, hotel, hotel-casino, house, house, house, house of God, house of ill repute, house of prayer, house of prostitution, house of worship, library, medical building, ministry, morgue, mortuary, nursery, observatory, office block, office building, opium den, outbuilding, packinghouse, place of worship, planetarium, presbytery, residence hall, rest house, restaurant, rink, Roman building, rotunda, ruin, school, schoolhouse, shambles, shooting gallery, signal box, signal tower, skating rink, skyscraper, slaughterhouse, sporting house, student residence, student union, summerhouse, tap house, tavern, telco building, telecom hotel, temple, theater, theatre, volary, whorehouse

Eksempler på forekomster af mere specifikke termerHouses of Parliament, Independence Hall

Omfatter disse specifikke termerannex, annexe, antechamber, anteroom, corner, corner, cornerstone, cornerstone, court, courtyard, crawl space, crawlspace, cullis, elevator, entrance hall, extension, exterior door, floor, foundation stone, foyer, frame, hall, heat, heating, heating plant, heating system, interior door, level, lift, lobby, nook, outside door, quoin, roof, room, scantling, shaft, skeletal frame, skeleton, staircase, stairway, storey, story, stud, underframe, upstairs, vestibule, wall, window, wing

2. building (om handling) the act of constructing something

Eksempler med tilsvarende betydningDuring the construction we had to take a detour.
His hobby was the building of boats.

Termer med samme betydning (synonymer)construction

Mindre specifikke termercreating from raw materials

Mere specifikke termerassembly, crenelation, crenellation, dry walling, erecting, erection, fabrication, grading, house-raising, leveling, road construction, rustication, ship building, shipbuilding

Indenfor samme emneområdeerect, frame, frame up, groin, preassemble, prefabricate, put up, raise, rear, rebuild, reconstruct, reface, set up, wattle

3. building (om handling) the commercial activity involved in repairing old structures or constructing new ones

Eksempler med tilsvarende betydningTheir main business is home construction.
Workers in the building trades.

Termer med samme betydning (synonymer)construction

Mindre specifikke termerbusiness, business enterprise, commercial enterprise

Mere specifikke termerjerry-building

Omfatter disse specifikke termerhouse painting, masonry, painting, plumbery, plumbing, roofing, sheet-metal work, shingling

4. building (om gruppe) the occupants of a building

Eksempler med tilsvarende betydningThe entire building complained about the noise.

Mindre specifikke termerassemblage, gathering

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