Engelsk ordbog

Tip: Stjerne (*) kan anvendes som jokertegn (wild card). Stjernen erstatter nul eller flere tegn.

Engelsk navneord: rustication

1. rustication (om tilstand) the condition naturally attaching to life in the country

Mindre specifikke termercondition, status

2. rustication (om handling) the construction of masonry or brickwork in a rustic manner

Mindre specifikke termerbuilding, construction

3. rustication (om handling) the action of retiring to and living in the country

Mindre specifikke termerretirement

4. rustication (om handling) temporary dismissal of a student from a university

Mindre specifikke termersuspension, temporary removal

Overordnet (geografisk) regionBritain, Great Britain, U.K., UK, United Kingdom, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

5. rustication (om handling) banishment into the country

Mindre specifikke termerbanishment, proscription

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