Engelsk ordbog

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Engelsk navneord: psychology

1. psychology (om erkendelse) the science of mental life

Termer med samme betydning (synonymer)psychological science

Mindre specifikke termerscience, scientific discipline

Mere specifikke termerabnormal psychology, animal psychology, applied psychology, child psychology, cognitive psychology, comparative psychology, developmental psychology, differential psychology, experimental psychology, genetic psychology, industrial psychology, neuropsychology, physiological psychology, psychometrics, psychometrika, psychometry, psychonomics, psychopathology, psychophysiology, social psychology

Indenfor samme emneområdeabience, abient, abnormal, adience, adient, adjusted, ambiguous, ambiversion, ambiversive, anima, apperceive, association theory, associational, associationism, atomism, attentional, behavior, behaviour, breaking point, chunking, clinician, cognitive operation, cognitive process, conditioned, configurationism, constancy, delusion, double bind, exceptional, experimenter bias, externalise, externalize, extinguished, extraversion, extraversive, extravert, extroversion, extroversive, extrovert, functionalism, generalisation, generalization, Gestalt psychology, habit, idiographic, image, inhibition, interiorise, interiorize, internalise, internalize, introjected, introjection, introversion, introversive, introvert, introvertive, isolate, law of effect, learned, maladjusted, mental condition, mental process, mental state, mental strain, molar, molecular, nervous strain, nomothetic, normal, operation, perceptual constancy, persona, presentational, proactive, process, project, psychological condition, psychological state, psychotic belief, readiness, rehearsal, reinforcement, reinforcer, reinforcing stimulus, retroactive, sensitisation, sensitization, set, stimulus generalisation, stimulus generalization, strain, stress, sublimation, suppression, tenseness, tension, unitisation, unitization, use

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