Engelsk ordbog

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Engelsk navneord: gustatory perception

1. gustatory perception (om erkendelse) the sensation that results when taste buds in the tongue and throat convey information about the chemical composition of a soluble stimulus

Eksempler med tilsvarende betydningThe candy left him with a bad taste.
The melon had a delicious taste.

Termer med samme betydning (synonymer)gustatory sensation, taste, taste perception, taste sensation

Mindre specifikke termeraesthesis, esthesis, sensation, sense datum, sense experience, sense impression

Mere specifikke termerastringence, astringency, bitter, bitterness, finish, flatness, flavor, flavour, mellowness, nip, relish, salinity, salt, saltiness, sapidity, savor, savour, smack, sour, sourness, sugariness, sweet, sweetness, tang, tartness

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