Engelsk ordbog

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Engelsk navneord: antiquity

1. antiquity (om tid) the historic period preceding the Middle Ages in Europe

Mindre specifikke termerage, historic period

Omfatter disse overordnede termerhistory

Indenfor samme emneområdeAna, augur, auspex, Bacchus, bay wreath, catacomb, centurion, Chinese deity, choragus, circus, dithyramb, Egyptian deity, galley, gladiator, Greek deity, humor, humour, laurel, laurel wreath, Lug, Lugh, lustrum, Norse deity, paean, pantheon, pean, Persian deity, Phrygian deity, pontifex, procurator, Ra, Re, Roman, Roman deity, Romanic, Semitic deity, sibyl, toga virilis, torch race, tribune

2. antiquity (om egenskab) extreme oldness

Termer med samme betydning (synonymer)ancientness

Mindre specifikke termeroldness

3. antiquity (om genstand) an artifact surviving from the past

Mindre specifikke termerartefact, artifact

Mere specifikke termerantique, relic, Roman building, stela, stele

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