Engelsk ordbok

Tips: Spørsmålstegn (?) kan anvendes som jokertegn (wild card). Spørsmålstegnet erstatter et tegn.

Engelsk substantiv: Europe

1. Europe (om ting) the 2nd smallest continent (actually a vast peninsula of Eurasia); the British use `Europe' to refer to all of the continent except the British Isles

Eksempler på mindre spesifikke uttrykkcontinent

Omfatter disse spesifikke uttrykkAndorra, Austria, Austria-Hungary, Balkan Peninsula, Balkans, Baltic Republic, Baltic State, Belarus, Belgique, Belgium, Belorussia, Bulgaria, Byelarus, Byelorussia, Calpe, Continent, Czech Republic, Czechoslovakia, Deutschland, Eire, Elbe, Elbe River, Ellas, England, Espana, Esthonia, Estonia, European country, European nation, European Russia, Federal Republic of Germany, Finland, Flanders, France, French Republic, FRG, Frisia, Germany, Gibraltar, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, Greece, Hellenic Republic, Holland, Holy Roman Empire, Hungary, Iberia, Iberian Peninsula, Iceland, Ireland, Irish Republic, Italia, Italian Republic, Italy, Kingdom of Belgium, Kingdom of Spain, Kingdom of The Netherlands, Lapland, Lappland, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Low Countries, Luxembourg, Luxemburg, Magyarorszag, Moldavia, Moldova, Monaco, Nederland, Netherlands, northern Europe, Northern Ireland, Oesterreich, Ottoman Empire, Poland, Polska, Portugal, Portuguese Republic, Principality of Andorra, Principality of Liechtenstein, Principality of Monaco, Republic of Austria, Republic of Belarus, Republic of Bulgaria, Republic of Estonia, Republic of Finland, Republic of Hungary, Republic of Iceland, Republic of Ireland, Republic of Latvia, Republic of Moldova, Republic of Poland, Republic of San Marino, Rock of Gibraltar, Roman Empire, Roman Republic, Romania, Roumania, Rumania, San Marino, Scandinavia, Scandinavia, Scandinavian country, Scandinavian nation, Scandinavian Peninsula, Schlesien, Schweiz, Scotland, Silesia, Slask, Slezsko, Slovak Republic, Slovakia, Spain, Suisse, Suomi, Svizzera, Swiss Confederation, Switzerland, Tartary, Tatary, The Netherlands, Turkish Empire, Ukraine, Ukrayina, White Russia

Omfatter disse overordnede uttrykkeneEurasia, Occident, West

Forekomster i samme regionhelot, megalith, megalithic structure, mercantile system, mercantilism, serf, villein, Wayland, Wayland the Smith, Wieland

2. Europe (om gruppe) an international organization of European countries formed after World War II to reduce trade barriers and increase cooperation among its members

Eksempler med tilsvarende betydningHe tried to take Britain into the Europen Union.

Ord med samme betydning (synonymer)Common Market, EC, EEC, EU, European Community, European Economic Community, European Union

Mindre spesifikke uttrykkglobal organization, international organisation, international organization, world organisation, world organization

Tilhører disse spesifikke uttrykkeneAustria, Belgique, Belgium, Britain, Danmark, Denmark, Deutschland, Eire, Ellas, Espana, Federal Republic of Germany, Finland, France, French Republic, FRG, Germany, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, Great Britain, Greece, Hellenic Republic, Holland, Ireland, Irish Republic, Italia, Italian Republic, Italy, Kingdom of Belgium, Kingdom of Denmark, Kingdom of Spain, Kingdom of Sweden, Kingdom of The Netherlands, Luxembourg, Luxemburg, Nederland, Netherlands, Oesterreich, Portugal, Portuguese Republic, Republic of Austria, Republic of Finland, Republic of Ireland, Spain, Suomi, Sverige, Sweden, The Netherlands, U.K., UK, United Kingdom, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

3. Europe (om gruppe) the nations of the European continent collectively

Eksempler med tilsvarende betydningThe Marshall Plan helped Europe recover from World War II.

Mindre spesifikke uttrykkaccumulation, aggregation, assemblage, collection

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