Engelsk ordbok

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Engelsk substantiv: thimbleberry

1. thimbleberry (om plante) shrubby raspberry of eastern North America having showy rose to purplish flowers and red or orange thimble-shaped fruit

Ord med samme betydning (synonymer)flowering raspberry, purple-flowering raspberry, Rubus odoratus

Mindre spesifikke uttrykkraspberry, raspberry bush

2. thimbleberry (om plante) white-flowered raspberry of western North America and northern Mexico with thimble-shaped orange berries

Ord med samme betydning (synonymer)Rubus parviflorus, salmon berry, salmonberry

Mindre spesifikke uttrykkraspberry, raspberry bush

3. thimbleberry (om plante) raspberry native to eastern North America having black thimble-shaped fruit

Ord med samme betydning (synonymer)black raspberry, blackcap, blackcap raspberry, Rubus occidentalis

Mindre spesifikke uttrykkraspberry, raspberry bush

Omfatter disse spesifikke uttrykkraspberry

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