Engelsk substantiv: Nebiim |
1. | Nebiim (om kommunikasjon) the second of three divisions of the Hebrew Scriptures |
| Ord med samme betydning (synonymer) | Prophets |
| Eksempler på mindre spesifikke uttrykk | religious text, religious writing, sacred text, sacred writing |
| Omfatter disse spesifikke uttrykk | 1 Kings, 1 Samuel, 2 Kings, 2 Samuel, Abdias, Aggeus, Amos, Book of Amos, Book of Ezekiel, Book of Habakkuk, Book of Haggai, Book of Hosea, Book of Isaiah, Book of Jeremiah, Book of Joel, Book of Jonah, Book of Joshua, Book of Judges, Book of Micah, Book of Nahum, Book of Obadiah, Book of Zachariah, Book of Zephaniah, Ezechiel, Ezekiel, Habacuc, Habakkuk, Haggai, Hosea, I Kings, I Samuel, II Kings, II Samuel, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Joel, Jonah, Joshua, Josue, Judges, Micah, Micheas, Nahum, Obadiah, Sophonias, Zacharias, Zechariah, Zephaniah |
| Omfatter disse overordnede uttrykkene | Hebrew Scripture, Tanach, Tanakh |