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English noun: dismissal

1. dismissal (act) a judgment disposing of the matter without a trial

Synonymsjudgement of dismissal, judgment of dismissal

Broader (hypernym)judgement, judgment, judicial decision

Domain categoryjurisprudence, law

2. dismissal (communication) official notice that you have been fired from your job

Synonymsdismission, pink slip

Broader (hypernym)notice

Narrower (hyponym)marching orders, walking papers

3. dismissal (communication) permission to go; the sending away of someone

Broader (hypernym)permission

4. dismissal (act) the termination of someone's employment (leaving them free to depart)

Synonymsdischarge, dismission, firing, liberation, release, sack, sacking

Broader (hypernym)conclusion, ending, termination

Narrower (hyponym)conge, congee, deactivation, dishonorable discharge, honorable discharge, inactivation, removal, Section Eight, superannuation

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