English dictionary

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English noun: disagreement

1. disagreement (state) a conflict of people's opinions or actions or characters

Synonymsdissension, dissonance

Broader (hypernym)conflict

Narrower (hyponym)disunity, divide

Antonymsaccord, agreement

2. disagreement (attribute) a difference between conflicting facts or claims or opinions

SamplesA growing divergence of opinion.

Synonymsdiscrepancy, divergence, variance

Broader (hypernym)difference

Narrower (hyponym)allowance, leeway, margin, tolerance

3. disagreement (communication) the speech act of disagreeing or arguing or disputing

Broader (hypernym)speech act

Narrower (hyponym)conflict, confrontation, difference, difference of opinion, discord, dispute, dissension, dissent, dissidence, encounter, face-off, nonconformity, showdown


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