English dictionary

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English noun: morning

1. morning (time) the time period between dawn and noon

SamplesI spent the morning running errands.

Synonymsforenoon, morn, morning time

Broader (hypernym)period, period of time, time period

Part holonymearly-morning hour

Part meronymday, daylight, daytime

2. morning (communication) a conventional expression of greeting or farewell

Synonymsgood morning

Broader (hypernym)farewell, greeting, salutation, word of farewell

3. morning (time) the first light of day

SamplesWe got up before dawn.
They talked until morning.

Synonymsaurora, break of day, break of the day, cockcrow, dawn, dawning, daybreak, dayspring, first light, sunrise, sunup

Broader (hypernym)hour, time of day

Antonymssundown, sunset

4. morning (event) the earliest period

SamplesThe dawn of civilization.
The morning of the world.


Broader (hypernym)start

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