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English noun: day

1. day (time) time for Earth to make a complete rotation on its axis

SamplesTwo days later they left.
They put on two performances every day.
There are 30,000 passengers per day.

Synonyms24-hour interval, mean solar day, solar day, twenty-four hour period, twenty-four hours

Broader (hypernym)time unit, unit of time

Narrower (hyponym)date, date, day of the month, eve, morrow, today, tomorrow, yesterday

Part holonym60 minutes, dark, day, daylight, daytime, high noon, hour, hr, midday, night, nighttime, noon, noonday, noontide, twelve noon

2. day (time) some point or period in time

SamplesIt should arrive any day now.
After that day she never trusted him again.
Those were the days.
These days it is not unusual.

Broader (hypernym)time

Narrower (hyponym)crack of doom, Day of Judgement, Day of Judgment, day of reckoning, Doomsday, end of the world, eschaton, Judgement Day, Judgment Day, Last Day, Last Judgement, Last Judgment, off-day

3. day (time) a day assigned to a particular purpose or observance

SamplesMother's Day.

Broader (hypernym)calendar day, civil day

Narrower (hyponym)Admission Day, All Fools' day, Allhallows Eve, American Indian Day, anniversary, April 14, April Fools', April Fools' day, Arbor Day, Armed Forces Day, bissextile day, Cinco de Mayo, Citizenship Day, commencement day, Davis' Birthday, day of remembrance, December 31, degree day, election day, Father's Day, February 12, February 14, February 2, February 22, February 29, field day, field day, First of May, Flag Day, Groundhog Day, Hallowe'en, Halloween, holiday, ides, Inauguration Day, January 19, January 20, Jefferson Davis' Birthday, June 14, June 23, June 3, leap day, Lee's Birthday, Lincoln's Birthday, March 17, March 2, market day, May 1, May Day, Midsummer Eve, Midsummer Night, Mother's Day, New Year's Eve, November 5, October 24, Pan American Day, Patriot's Day, payday, polling day, rag day, red-letter day, Robert E Lee Day, Robert E Lee's Birthday, Saint Patrick's Day, Saint Valentine's Day, saint's day, school day, September 17, speech day, St John's Eve, St John's Night, St Patrick's Day, St Valentine's Day, Tet, Texas Independence Day, United Nations Day, V-day, Valentine Day, Valentine's Day, Victory Day, Walpurgis Night, washday, washing day, Washington's Birthday, wedding day

4. day (time) the time after sunrise and before sunset while it is light outside

SamplesThe dawn turned night into day.
It is easier to make the repairs in the daytime.

Synonymsdaylight, daytime

Broader (hypernym)period, period of time, time period

Narrower (hyponym)afternoon, eve, even, evening, eventide, midafternoon

Part holonymforenoon, morn, morning, morning time

Part meronym24-hour interval, day, mean solar day, solar day, twenty-four hour period, twenty-four hours

Antonymsnight, nighttime, dark

5. day (time) the recurring hours when you are not sleeping (especially those when you are working)

SamplesMy day began early this morning.
It was a busy day on the stock exchange.
She called it a day and went to bed.

Broader (hypernym)work time

Narrower (hyponym)workday, working day

6. day (time) an era of existence or influence

SamplesIn the day of the dinosaurs.
In the days of the Roman Empire.
In the days of sailing ships.
He was a successful pianist in his day.

Broader (hypernym)epoch, era

7. day (time) the period of time taken by a particular planet (e.g. Mars) to make a complete rotation on its axis

SamplesHow long is a day on Jupiter?.

Broader (hypernym)period, period of time, time period

Narrower (hyponym)lunar day

8. day (time) the time for one complete rotation of the earth relative to a particular star, about 4 minutes shorter than a mean solar day

Synonymssidereal day

Broader (hypernym)sidereal time, time unit, unit of time

9. day (state) a period of opportunity

SamplesHe deserves his day in court.
Every dog has his day.

Broader (hypernym)chance, opportunity

10. Day (person) United States writer best known for his autobiographical works (1874-1935)

SynonymsClarence Day, Clarence Shepard Day Jr.

Instance hypernymauthor, writer

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