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English adjective: compound

1. compound composed of more than one part

SamplesCompound leaves are composed of several lobes.
Compound flower heads.

Similarabruptly-pinnate, bilobate, bilobated, bilobed, binate, bipartite, bipinnate, bipinnatifid, cleft, conjugate, decompound, dissected, even-pinnate, imparipinnate, incised, lobate, lobed, odd-pinnate, palm-shaped, palmate, palmatifid, paripinnate, parted, pedate, pinnate, pinnated, pinnatifid, pinnatisect, quinquefoliate, radiate, ternate, three-lobed, trifoliate, trifoliated, trifoliolate, trilobate, trilobated, trilobed, tripinnate, tripinnated, tripinnatifid

See alsocomplex, rough, smooth

Domain categorybotany, phytology

Antonymsunsubdivided, simple

2. compound consisting of two or more substances or ingredients or elements or parts

SamplesSoap is a compound substance.
Housetop is a compound word.
A blackberry is a compound fruit.



3. compound composed of many distinct individuals united to form a whole or colony

SamplesCoral is a colonial organism.



Domain categoryzoological science, zoology


English noun: compound

1. compound (cognition) a whole formed by a union of two or more elements or parts

Broader (hypernym)whole

2. compound (substance) (chemistry) a substance formed by chemical union of two or more elements or ingredients in definite proportion by weight

Synonymschemical compound

Broader (hypernym)chemical, chemical substance

Narrower (hyponym)acceptor, acid, adduct, alkali, allomorph, aluminate, ammine, anhydride, anionic compound, antiknock, arsenide, azide, base, benzofuran, benzoquinone, binary compound, bitter principle, buffer, calcium-cyanamide, carbon disulfide, carbonyl, caustic, cementite, chloride, chloropicrin, chromogen, cofactor, complex, coordination compound, corrosive, coumarone, cumarone, cyanamide, defoliant, depilatory, derivative, dimer, enamel, enantiomer, enantiomorph, exotherm, fixer, fixing agent, flavone, formulation, goitrogen, heterocycle, heterocyclic, heterocyclic compound, hydrate, hydrated oxide, hydrogen cyanide, hydroxide, hydroxide, incense, inorganic compound, iodocompound, iron carbide, isomer, manganese tetroxide, menthol, monomer, nitrate, nitride, nitrochloroform, nitrogen mustard, organic compound, oxide, ozonide, polymer, pregnanediol, preparation, preservative, quinone, repellant, repellant, repellent, repellent, salt, silicide, siloxane, solvate, sternutator, sternutatory, stripper, sulfide, sulphide, synthetic, synthetic substance, taurine, telluride, tenderiser, tenderizer, tetrachloride, triazine, U308, vanillin, yellowcake

Domain categorychemical science, chemistry

3. compound (artifact) an enclosure of residences and other building (especially in the Orient)

Broader (hypernym)enclosure

English verb: compound

1. compound (change) make more intense, stronger, or more marked

SamplesThe efforts were intensified.
Her rudeness intensified his dislike for her.
Pot smokers claim it heightens their awareness.
This event only deepened my convictions.

Synonymsdeepen, heighten, intensify

Pattern of useSomebody ----s something.
Something ----s something

Broader (hypernym)increase

Narrower (hyponym)amplify, enhance, fan, heat up, heighten, heighten, hot up, raise, screw up, sharpen, sharpen

Causedeepen, intensify

2. compound (change) put or add together

SamplesCombine resources.


Pattern of useSomebody ----s something.
Something ----s something

Broader (hypernym)add

Narrower (hyponym)mix, recombine, synthesise, synthesize, totalise, totalize

3. compound (possession) calculate principal and interest

Pattern of useSomebody ----s something

Broader (hypernym)account, calculate

4. compound (creation) create by mixing or combining

Pattern of useSomebody ----s something

Broader (hypernym)assemble, piece, put together, set up, tack, tack together

5. compound (contact) combine so as to form a whole; mix

SamplesCompound the ingredients.


Pattern of useSomebody ----s something

Broader (hypernym)amalgamate, commix, mingle, mix, unify

Narrower (hyponym)carburet, heterodyne, incorporate, integrate, sulfurette, sulphurette

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