English dictionary

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English noun: earthnut

1. earthnut (plant) any of various highly prized edible subterranean fungi of the genus Tuber; grow naturally in southwestern Europe

Synonymsearth-ball, truffle

Broader (hypernym)fungus

Member meronymgenus Tuber, Tuber

2. earthnut (plant) a common European plant having edible tubers with the flavor of roasted chestnuts

SynonymsConopodium denudatum

Broader (hypernym)herb, herbaceous plant

Member meronymConopodium, genus Conopodium

3. earthnut (food) pod of the peanut vine containing usually 2 nuts or seeds; `groundnut' and `monkey nut' are British terms

Synonymsgoober, goober pea, groundnut, monkey nut, peanut

Broader (hypernym)edible nut

Part meronymArachis hypogaea, peanut, peanut vine

4. earthnut (food) edible subterranean fungus of the genus Tuber


Broader (hypernym)veg, vegetable, veggie

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