English dictionary

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English noun: conference

1. conference (group) a prearranged meeting for consultation or exchange of information or discussion (especially one with a formal agenda)

Broader (hypernym)group meeting, meeting

Narrower (hyponym)colloquium, seminar, symposium

Instance hyponymPotsdam Conference, Yalta Conference

Member holonymconferee

2. conference (group) an association of sports teams that organizes matches for its members


Broader (hypernym)association

Narrower (hyponym)baseball league, basketball league, big league, bowling league, bush league, class, division, football league, hockey league, Ivy League, major league, majors, minor league, minors

3. conference (communication) a discussion among participants who have an agreed (serious) topic

Synonymsgroup discussion

Broader (hypernym)discussion, give-and-take, word

Narrower (hyponym)audience, bull session, colloquy, consultation, consultation, huddle, interview, news conference, powwow, press conference, pretrial, pretrial conference, round table, round-table conference, roundtable, session, teach-in, teleconference, teleconferencing

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