English dictionary

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English noun: session

1. session (communication) a meeting for execution of a group's functions

SamplesIt was the opening session of the legislature.

Broader (hypernym)conference, group discussion

Narrower (hyponym)clinic, closed session, executive session, hearing, sitting, skull session, special session, tutorial

2. session (time) the time during which a school holds classes

SamplesThey had to shorten the school term.

Synonymsacademic session, academic term, school term

Broader (hypernym)term

Narrower (hyponym)quarter, semester, summer school, trimester

Part meronymacademic year, school year

3. session (act) a meeting devoted to a particular activity

SamplesA filming session.
A gossip session.

Broader (hypernym)coming together, meeting

Narrower (hyponym)class period, course session, recitation

4. session (group) a meeting of spiritualists

SamplesThe seance was held in the medium's parlor.

Synonymsseance, sitting

Broader (hypernym)get together, meeting

Part holonymspirit rapping, table lifting, table rapping, table tapping, table tilting, table tipping, table turning

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