English dictionary

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English noun: blight

1. blight (state) a state or condition being blighted

Broader (hypernym)desolation, devastation

2. blight (state) any plant disease resulting in withering without rotting

Broader (hypernym)plant disease

Narrower (hyponym)alder blight, apple blight, apple canker, bean blight, beet blight, blister blight, blister blight, cane blight, chestnut blight, chestnut canker, chestnut-bark disease, coffee blight, collar blight, halo blight, halo blight, halo spot, head blight, late blight, leaf blight, peach blight, potato blight, potato disease, potato mildew, potato mold, potato murrain, rim blight, spinach blight, spur blight, stem blight, stripe blight, thread blight, tomato blight, tomato yellows, twig blight, walnut blight

English verb: blight

1. blight (weather) cause to suffer a blight

SamplesToo much rain may blight the garden with mold.


Pattern of useSomething ----s somebody.
Something ----s something

Broader (hypernym)afflict, smite

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