English dictionary

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English adjective: screaming

1. screaming so extremely intense as to evoke screams

SamplesIn screaming agony.
A screaming rage.



2. screaming resembling a scream in effect

SamplesScreaming headlines.
Screaming colors and designs.



3. screaming marked by or causing boisterous merriment or convulsive laughter

SamplesHilarious broad comedy.
A screaming farce.
Uproarious stories.

Synonymshilarious, uproarious

Similarhumorous, humourous

Antonymshumorless, humourless, unhumorous

English noun: screaming

1. screaming (communication) sharp piercing cry

SamplesHer screaming attracted the neighbors.

Synonymsscream, screech, screeching, shriek, shrieking

Broader (hypernym)call, cry, outcry, shout, vociferation, yell

2. screaming (event) a high-pitched noise resembling a human cry

SamplesHe ducked at the screechings of shells.
He heard the scream of the brakes.

Synonymsscream, screech, screeching, shriek, shrieking

Broader (hypernym)noise

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