English dictionary

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English noun: shriek

1. shriek (communication) sharp piercing cry

SamplesHer screaming attracted the neighbors.

Synonymsscream, screaming, screech, screeching, shrieking

Broader (hypernym)call, cry, outcry, shout, vociferation, yell

2. shriek (event) a high-pitched noise resembling a human cry

SamplesHe ducked at the screechings of shells.
He heard the scream of the brakes.

Synonymsscream, screaming, screech, screeching, shrieking

Broader (hypernym)noise

English verb: shriek

1. shriek (communication) utter a shrill cry

ExamplesThe birds shriek in the woods , The woods shriek with many kinds of birds

Synonymspipe, pipe up, shrill

Pattern of useSomebody ----s.
Somebody ----s something.
Somebody ----s that CLAUSE

Broader (hypernym)call, cry, holler, hollo, scream, shout, shout out, squall, yell

Narrower (hyponym)caterwaul, yowl

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