English dictionary

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English noun: pilot

1. pilot (person) someone who is licensed to operate an aircraft in flight

Synonymsairplane pilot

Broader (hypernym)aeronaut, airman, aviator, flier, flyer

Narrower (hyponym)barnstormer, captain, co-pilot, combat pilot, copilot, kamikaze, senior pilot, stunt flier, stunt pilot, test pilot, wingman

Domain categoryaircraft

2. pilot (person) a person qualified to guide ships through difficult waters going into or out of a harbor

Broader (hypernym)gob, Jack, Jack-tar, mariner, old salt, sea dog, seafarer, seaman, tar

3. pilot (communication) a program exemplifying a contemplated series; intended to attract sponsors

Synonymspilot film, pilot program

Broader (hypernym)television program, television show, TV program, TV show

4. pilot (cognition) something that serves as a model or a basis for making copies

SamplesThis painting is a copy of the original.

Synonymsarchetype, original

Broader (hypernym)example, model

5. pilot (artifact) small auxiliary gas burner that provides a flame to ignite a larger gas burner

Synonymspilot burner, pilot light

Broader (hypernym)gas burner, gas jet

6. pilot (artifact) an inclined metal frame at the front of a locomotive to clear the track

Synonymsbuffer, cowcatcher, fender

Broader (hypernym)framework

Part meronymengine, locomotive, locomotive engine, railway locomotive

English verb: pilot

1. pilot (motion) operate an airplane

SamplesThe pilot flew to Cuba.

Synonymsaviate, fly

Pattern of useSomebody ----s something

Broader (hypernym)control, operate

Narrower (hyponym)balloon, flat-hat, fly blind, fly contact, glide, hang glide, hedgehop, hydroplane, jet, seaplane, soar, solo, test fly

Entailfly, wing

Verb groupfly, fly, fly

Domain categoryair, air travel, aircraft, aviation

2. pilot (motion) act as the navigator in a car, plane, or vessel and plan, direct, plot the path and position of the conveyance

SamplesIs anyone volunteering to navigate during the trip?.
Who was navigating the ship during the accident?.


Pattern of useSomebody ----s.
Somebody ----s something

Broader (hypernym)channelise, channelize, direct, guide, head, maneuver, manoeuver, manoeuvre, point, steer

Narrower (hyponym)astrogate

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