English dictionary

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English noun: glow

1. glow (state) an alert and refreshed state


Broader (hypernym)good health, healthiness

2. glow (attribute) light from nonthermal sources


Broader (hypernym)brightness, brightness level, light, luminance, luminosity, luminousness

3. glow (phenomenon) the phenomenon of light emission by a body as its temperature is raised


Broader (hypernym)light, visible light, visible radiation

4. glow (feeling) a feeling of considerable warmth

SamplesThe glow of new love.
A glow of regret.

Broader (hypernym)feeling

5. glow (phenomenon) a steady even light without flames

Broader (hypernym)light, visible light, visible radiation

Narrower (hyponym)sky glow

6. glow (phenomenon) the amount of electromagnetic radiation leaving or arriving at a point on a surface

Synonymsglowing, radiance

Broader (hypernym)light, visible light, visible radiation

Narrower (hyponym)aureole, corona

7. glow (attribute) an appearance of reflected light

Synonymsgleam, gleaming, lambency

Broader (hypernym)effulgence, radiance, radiancy, refulgence, refulgency, shine

English verb: glow

1. glow (perception) emit a steady even light without flames

SamplesThe fireflies were glowing and flying about in the garden.

Pattern of useSomething ----s

Broader (hypernym)radiate

Narrower (hyponym)fluoresce, flush

2. glow (perception) have a complexion with a strong bright color, such as red or pink

SamplesHer face glowed when she came out of the sauna.

Synonymsbeam, radiate, shine

Pattern of useSomething ----s.
Somebody ----s

Broader (hypernym)appear, look, seem

3. glow (weather) shine intensely, as if with heat

SamplesThe coals were glowing in the dark.
The candles were burning.

ExamplesLights glow on the horizon, The horizon is glowing with lights


Pattern of useSomething ----s

Broader (hypernym)beam, shine

Narrower (hyponym)gutter

4. glow (emotion) be exuberant or high-spirited

SamplesMake the people's hearts glow.

Pattern of useSomething ----s.
Somebody ----s

Broader (hypernym)experience, feel

5. glow (emotion) experience a feeling of well-being or happiness, as from good health or an intense emotion

SamplesShe was beaming with joy.
Her face radiated with happiness.

Synonymsbeam, radiate, shine

Pattern of useSomebody ----s

Broader (hypernym)experience, feel

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