English dictionary

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English noun: Zb

1. Zb (quantity) a unit of information equal to 1000 exabits or 10^21 bits

SynonymsZbit, zettabit

Broader (hypernym)computer memory unit

Part holonymEb, Ebit, exabit

Part meronymYb, Ybit, yottabit

2. ZB (quantity) a unit of information equal to 1000 exabytes or 10^21 bytes


Broader (hypernym)computer memory unit

Part holonymEB, exabyte

Part meronymYB, yottabyte

3. ZB (quantity) a unit of information equal to 1024 exbibytes or 2^70 bytes

Synonymszebibyte, zettabyte, ZiB

Broader (hypernym)computer memory unit

Part holonymEB, EiB, exabyte, exbibyte

Part meronymYB, YiB, yobibyte, yottabyte

Based on WordNet 3.0 copyright © Princeton University.
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