English dictionary

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English noun: ballast

1. ballast (artifact) any heavy material used to stabilize a ship or airship

Broader (hypernym)material, stuff

2. ballast (substance) coarse gravel laid to form a bed for streets and railroads

Broader (hypernym)crushed rock, gravel

3. ballast (attribute) an attribute that tends to give stability in character and morals; something that steadies the mind or feelings

Broader (hypernym)attribute

4. ballast (artifact) a resistor inserted into a circuit to compensate for changes (as those arising from temperature fluctuations)

Synonymsballast resistor, barretter

Broader (hypernym)resistance, resistor

5. ballast (artifact) an electrical device for starting and regulating fluorescent and discharge lamps

Synonymslight ballast

Broader (hypernym)electrical device

English verb: ballast

1. ballast (change) make steady with a ballast

Pattern of useSomebody ----s something.
Something ----s something

Broader (hypernym)brace, stabilise, stabilize, steady

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