English dictionary

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English adjective: unutterable

1. unutterable too sacred to be uttered

SamplesThe ineffable name of the Deity.

Synonymsineffable, unnameable, unspeakable


Antonymsprofane, secular

2. unutterable defying expression or description

SamplesIndefinable yearnings.
Indescribable beauty.
Ineffable ecstasy.
Inexpressible anguish.
Unspeakable happiness.
Unutterable contempt.
A thing of untellable splendor.

Synonymsindefinable, indescribable, ineffable, unspeakable, untellable

Similarinexpressible, unexpressible


3. unutterable very difficult to pronounce correctly

SamplesAn unpronounceable foreign word.
Unutterable consonant clusters.


Similarincommunicative, uncommunicative

Antonymscommunicatory, communicative

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