English dictionary

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English adjective: nigh

1. nigh not far distant in time or space or degree or circumstances

SamplesNear neighbors.
In the near future.
They are near equals.
His nearest approach to success.
A very near thing.
A near hit by the bomb.
She was near tears.
She was close to tears.
Had a close call.

Synonymsclose, near

Similaradjacent, hot, nearby, warm



2. nigh being on the left side

SamplesThe near or nigh horse is the one on the left.
The animal's left side is its near or nigh side.




English adverb: nigh

1. nigh near in time or place or relationship

SamplesAs the wedding day drew near.
Stood near the door.
Don't shoot until they come near.
Getting near to the true explanation.
Her mother is always near.
The end draws nigh.
The bullet didn't come close.
Don't get too close to the fire.

Synonymsclose, near

2. nigh (of actions or states) slightly short of or not quite accomplished; all but

SamplesThe job is (just) about done.
The baby was almost asleep when the alarm sounded.
We're almost finished.
The car all but ran her down.
He nearly fainted.
Talked for nigh onto 2 hours.
The recording is well-nigh perfect.
Virtually all the parties signed the contract.
I was near exhausted by the run.
Most everyone agrees.

Synonymsabout, almost, most, near, nearly, virtually, well-nigh

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