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English noun: leg

1. leg (body) a human limb; commonly used to refer to a whole limb but technically only the part of the limb between the knee and ankle

Broader (hypernym)limb

Narrower (hyponym)bandy leg, bandyleg, bow leg, bowleg, genu varum, peg, pin, shank's mare, shank's pony, shanks' mare, shanks' pony, spindlelegs, spindleshanks, stick, tibia vara

Part holonymankle, ankle joint, articulatio genus, articulatio talocruralis, calf bone, crus, fibula, fibular vein, foot, genu, genu valgum, human foot, human knee, knee, knee joint, knock-knee, leg bone, mortise joint, musculus tibialis, nervus ischiadicus, nervus saphenus, peroneal vein, pes, saphenous nerve, saphenous vein, sciatic nerve, shank, shin, shin, shin bone, shinbone, thigh, tibia, tibia valga, tibial vein, tibialis, tibialis muscle, vena peroneus, vena saphena, vena tibialis

Part meronymbody, organic structure, physical structure

2. leg (body) a structure in animals that is similar to a human leg and used for locomotion

Broader (hypernym)limb

Narrower (hyponym)animal leg, prehensor

Part holonympedal extremity, vertebrate foot

3. leg (artifact) one of the supports for a piece of furniture

Broader (hypernym)support

Part meronymcamp bed, chair, cot, four-poster, grand, grand piano, hospital bed, spinning wheel, table, tripod

4. leg (shape) a part of a forked or branching shape

SamplesHe broke off one of the branches.

Synonymsbranch, ramification

Broader (hypernym)subfigure

Narrower (hyponym)bifurcation, brachium, crotch, fork

Part meronymforking, furcation

5. leg (food) the limb of an animal used for food

Broader (hypernym)cut, cut of meat

Narrower (hyponym)gigot, ham hock, leg of lamb

6. leg (artifact) a prosthesis that replaces a missing leg

Synonymspeg, pegleg, wooden leg

Broader (hypernym)prosthesis, prosthetic device

7. leg (artifact) a cloth covering consisting of the part of a pair of trousers that covers a person's leg

Broader (hypernym)cloth covering

Narrower (hyponym)pant leg, trouser leg

Part holonymcuff, foot, knee, turnup

Part meronympant, trouser

8. leg (act) (nautical) the distance traveled by a sailing vessel on a single tack

Broader (hypernym)distance, length

Domain categorynavigation, sailing, seafaring

9. leg (act) a section or portion of a journey or course

SamplesThen we embarked on the second stage of our Caribbean cruise.


Broader (hypernym)travel, traveling, travelling

Narrower (hyponym)fare-stage

Part meronymjourney, journeying

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