English dictionary

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English noun: treasury

1. treasury (possession) the funds of a government or institution or individual


Broader (hypernym)cash in hand, finances, funds, monetary resource, pecuniary resource

Narrower (hyponym)bursary, fisc, public treasury, subtreasury, till, trough

2. treasury (group) the government department responsible for collecting and managing and spending public revenues

Broader (hypernym)government department

3. Treasury (possession) negotiable debt obligations of the United States government which guarantees that interest and principal payments will be paid on time

SynonymsTreasury obligations

Broader (hypernym)government bond

Narrower (hyponym)T-bill, Treasury bill, Treasury bond, Treasury note

4. Treasury (person) the British cabinet minister responsible for economic strategy

SynonymsFirst Lord of the Treasury

Broader (hypernym)cabinet minister

Member meronymBritish Cabinet

5. Treasury (group) the federal department that collects revenue and administers federal finances; the Treasury Department was created in 1789

SynonymsDepartment of the Treasury, Treasury Department, United States Treasury

Broader (hypernym)executive department

Part holonymATF, Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms, Bureau of Customs, Bureau of Engraving and Printing, Comptroller of the Currency, Customs Bureau, Customs Service, Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, Financial Management Service, FinCEN, Internal Revenue Service, IRS, Office of Intelligence Support, OIS, U.S. Mint, United States Mint, US Mint, USCB

6. treasury (artifact) a depository (a room or building) where wealth and precious objects can be kept safely

Broader (hypernym)deposit, depositary, depository, repository

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