English dictionary

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English noun: clench

1. clench (artifact) a small slip noose made with seizing


Broader (hypernym)noose, running noose, slip noose

Narrower (hyponym)double clinch, inside clinch, outside clinch

Domain categoryvessel, watercraft

2. clench (act) the act of grasping

SamplesHe released his clasp on my arm.
He has a strong grip for an old man.
She kept a firm hold on the railing.

Synonymsclasp, clutch, clutches, grasp, grip, hold

Broader (hypernym)grasping, prehension, seizing, taking hold

Narrower (hyponym)choke hold, chokehold, embrace, embracement, embracing, wrestling hold

English verb: clench

1. clench (contact) hold in a tight grasp

SamplesClench a steering wheel.


Pattern of useSomebody ----s something.
Somebody ----s somebody

Broader (hypernym)clutch, prehend, seize

2. clench (contact) squeeze together tightly

SamplesClench one's jaw.

Pattern of useSomebody ----s something

Broader (hypernym)squeeze

Narrower (hyponym)grit

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