Engelsk ordbog

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Engelsk navneord: representation

1. representation (om erkendelse) a presentation to the mind in the form of an idea or image

Termer med samme betydning (synonymer)internal representation, mental representation

Mindre specifikke termercognitive content, content, mental object

Mere specifikke termerabstractionism, antitype, appearance, blur, concrete representation, concretism, convergence, example, fuzz, image, instantiation, interpretation, intersection, memory, mental image, model, overlap, percept, perception, perceptual experience, phantasmagoria, psychosexuality, reading, schema, scheme, stereotype, unrealism, version

2. representation (om genstand) a creation that is a visual or tangible rendering of someone or something

Mindre specifikke termercreation

Mere specifikke termeradumbration, audiogram, copy, cosmography, creche, cutaway, cutaway drawing, cutaway model, display, document, drawing, ecce homo, effigy, exposure, icon, ikon, illustration, image, image, map, model, nomogram, nomograph, objectification, photo, photograph, pic, picture, picture, pieta, presentation, projection, rubbing, set, shade, simulacrum, simulation, stage set, Station of the Cross

3. representation (om handling) the act of representing; standing in for someone or some group and speaking with authority in their behalf

Mindre specifikke termercooperation

Mere specifikke termerproportional representation

4. representation (om tilstand) the state of serving as an official and authorized delegate or agent

Termer med samme betydning (synonymer)agency, delegacy

Mindre specifikke termerstate

Mere specifikke termerfree agency, legal representation, virus

5. representation (om gruppe) a body of legislators that serve in behalf of some constituency

Eksempler med tilsvarende betydningA Congressional vacancy occurred in the representation from California.

Mindre specifikke termerbody

6. representation (om kommunikation) a factual statement made by one party in order to induce another party to enter into a contract

Eksempler med tilsvarende betydningThe sales contract contains several representations by the vendor.

Mindre specifikke termerstatement

7. representation (om kommunikation) a performance of a play

Termer med samme betydning (synonymer)histrionics, theatrical, theatrical performance

Mindre specifikke termerperformance, public presentation

Mere specifikke termermatinee

8. representation (om kommunikation) a statement of facts and reasons made in appealing or protesting

Eksempler med tilsvarende betydningCertain representations were made concerning police brutality.

Mindre specifikke termerstatement

9. representation (om egenskab) the right of being represented by delegates who have a voice in some legislative body

Mindre specifikke termerright

10. representation (om handling) an activity that stands as an equivalent of something or results in an equivalent

Mindre specifikke termeractivity

Mere specifikke termerdiagramming, dramatisation, dramatization, figuration, model, modeling, modelling, pageant, pageantry, pictorial representation, picturing, schematisation, schematization, typification

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