Engelsk ordbog

Info: Dette websted er baseret på WordNet fra Princeton University.

Engelsk navneord: bond

1. bond (om fænomen) an electrical force linking atoms

Termer med samme betydning (synonymer)chemical bond

Mindre specifikke termerattraction, attractive force

Mere specifikke termercovalent bond, cross-link, cross-linkage, electrostatic bond, electrovalent bond, hydrogen bond, ionic bond, metallic bond, peptide bond, peptide linkage

2. bond (om forhold) a certificate of debt (usually interest-bearing or discounted) that is issued by a government or corporation in order to raise money; the issuer is required to pay a fixed sum annually until maturity and then a fixed sum to repay the principal

Termer med samme betydning (synonymer)bond certificate

Mindre specifikke termercertificate, certificate of indebtedness, debt instrument, obligation, security

Mere specifikke termerbearer bond, bond issue, convertible bond, corporate bond, coupon bond, debenture, debenture bond, government bond, high-yield bond, junk bond, municipal bond, noncallable bond, performance bond, post-obit bond, Premium Bond, registered bond, revenue bond, secured bond, surety bond, unsecured bond, zero coupon bond, zero-coupon bond

3. bond a connection based on kinship or marriage or common interest

Eksempler med tilsvarende betydningThe shifting alliances within a large family.
Their friendship constitutes a powerful bond between them.

Termer med samme betydning (synonymer)alliance

Mindre specifikke termerconnectedness, connection, connexion

Mere specifikke termersilver cord

4. bond (om forhold) (criminal law) money that must be forfeited by the bondsman if an accused person fails to appear in court for trial

Eksempler med tilsvarende betydningThe judge set bail at $10,000.
A $10,000 bond was furnished by an alderman.

Termer med samme betydning (synonymer)bail, bail bond

Mindre specifikke termerrecognisance, recognizance

Overordnet emneområdecriminal law

5. bond (om genstand) a restraint that confines or restricts freedom (especially something used to tie down or restrain a prisoner)

Termer med samme betydning (synonymer)hamper, shackle, trammel

Mindre specifikke termerconstraint, restraint

Mere specifikke termerball and chain, chains, cuff, fetter, handcuff, handlock, hobble, irons, manacle

6. bond (om genstand) a connection that fastens things together

Termer med samme betydning (synonymer)attachment

Mindre specifikke termerconnecter, connection, connective, connector, connexion

Mere specifikke termerligament

7. bond (om masse el. substans) a superior quality of strong durable white writing paper; originally made for printing documents

Termer med samme betydning (synonymer)bond paper

Mindre specifikke termerwriting paper

8. Bond (om person) United States civil rights leader who was elected to the legislature in Georgia but was barred from taking his seat because he opposed the Vietnam War (born 1940)

Termer med samme betydning (synonymer)Julian Bond

Eksempler på forekomster af mindre specifikke termercivil rights activist, civil rights leader, civil rights worker

9. Bond (om person) British secret operative 007 in novels by Ian Fleming

Termer med samme betydning (synonymer)James Bond

Eksempler på forekomster af mindre specifikke termercharacter, fictional character, fictitious character

10. bond (om egenskab) the property of sticking together (as of glue and wood) or the joining of surfaces of different composition

Eksempler med tilsvarende betydningThe mutual adhesiveness of cells.
A heated hydraulic press was required for adhesion.

Termer med samme betydning (synonymer)adherence, adhesion, adhesiveness

Mindre specifikke termerstickiness

Engelsk udsagnsord: bond

1. bond (om relation) stick to firmly

Eksempler med tilsvarende betydningWill this wallpaper adhere to the wall?.

Termer med samme betydning (synonymer)adhere, bind, hold fast, stick, stick to

AnvendelsesmønsterSomething ----s.
Something is ----ing PP

Mindre specifikke termerattach

Mere specifikke termerbind

Udsagnsord med lignende betydningadhere, cleave, cling, cohere, stick

2. bond (om adfærd) create social or emotional ties

Eksempler med tilsvarende betydningThe grandparents want to bond with the child.

Termer med samme betydning (synonymer)attach, bind, tie

AnvendelsesmønsterSomething ----s somebody.
Somebody ----s PP

Mindre specifikke termerrelate

Mere specifikke termerbefriend, fixate

3. bond (om forhold) issue bonds on

AnvendelsesmønsterSomebody ----s something

Mindre specifikke termermortgage

4. bond (om relation) bring together in a common cause or emotion

Eksempler med tilsvarende betydningThe death of their child had drawn them together.

Termer med samme betydning (synonymer)bring together, draw together

AnvendelsesmønsterSomebody ----s somebody.
Something ----s somebody

Mindre specifikke termerunify, unite

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