Engelsk navneord: habiliment |
1. | habiliment (om genstand) a covering designed to be worn on a person's body |
| Termer med samme betydning (synonymer) | article of clothing, clothing, vesture, wear, wearable |
| Mindre specifikke termer | consumer goods, covering |
| Mere specifikke termer | accessory, accouterment, accoutrement, apparel, array, attire, beachwear, black, blue, change, civilian clothing, civilian dress, civilian garb, clothes, drag, dress, dress, duds, footwear, garb, garment, gray, grey, hand wear, handwear, headdress, headgear, knitwear, leisure wear, loungewear, man's clothing, neckpiece, nightclothes, nightwear, outerwear, overclothes, plain clothes, protective garment, raiment, ready-to-wear, regalia, sleepwear, slip-on, slops, street clothes, tailor-made, threads, togs, uniform, vestiture, wearing apparel, woman's clothing, work-clothes, work-clothing |
| Omfatter disse specifikke termer | wardrobe |