Engelsk ordbog

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Engelsk tillægsord: wearable

1. wearable suitable for wear or able to be worn

Eksempler med tilsvarende betydningWearable evening clothes.
A wearable hearing aid.

Termer med modsat betydning (antonymer)unwearable

Engelsk navneord: wearable

1. wearable (om genstand) a covering designed to be worn on a person's body

Termer med samme betydning (synonymer)article of clothing, clothing, habiliment, vesture, wear

Mindre specifikke termerconsumer goods, covering

Mere specifikke termeraccessory, accouterment, accoutrement, apparel, array, attire, beachwear, black, blue, change, civilian clothing, civilian dress, civilian garb, clothes, drag, dress, dress, duds, footwear, garb, garment, gray, grey, hand wear, handwear, headdress, headgear, knitwear, leisure wear, loungewear, man's clothing, neckpiece, nightclothes, nightwear, outerwear, overclothes, plain clothes, protective garment, raiment, ready-to-wear, regalia, sleepwear, slip-on, slops, street clothes, tailor-made, threads, togs, uniform, vestiture, wearing apparel, woman's clothing, work-clothes, work-clothing

Omfatter disse specifikke termerwardrobe

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