Engelsk ordbog

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Engelsk navneord: info

1. info (om kommunikation) a message received and understood

Termer med samme betydning (synonymer)information

Mindre specifikke termercontent, message, subject matter, substance

Mere specifikke termerammunition, arcanum, confirmation, course of study, curriculum, data format, data formatting, database, details, evidence, fact, factoid, format, formatting, gen, inside information, insider information, intelligence, intelligence, intelligence information, material, misinformation, news, news, news, nuts and bolts, program, programme, propaganda, read-out, readout, report, report card, secret, secret, skinny, stuff, syllabus, tabular matter, tabulation, tidings, word

Baseret på WordNet 3.0 copyright © Princeton University.
Teknik og design: Orcapia v/Per Bang. Dansk bearbejdning: .
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