Engelsk ordbog

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Engelsk navneord: phytology

1. phytology (om erkendelse) the branch of biology that studies plants

Termer med samme betydning (synonymer)botany

Mindre specifikke termerbiological science, biology

Mere specifikke termeralgology, mycology, palaeobotany, paleobotany, phycology, pomology, pteridology

Indenfor samme emneområdeacarpellous, acarpelous, acaulescent, achlamydeous, acropetal, acroscopic, acyclic, aerial, aestivation, aggregate, alar, alliaceous, alternate, annual, annual, antheral, aphyllous, apogametic, apogamic, apogamous, apogamy, apomictic, apomictical, apophysis, apothecial, araceous, archegonial, archegoniate, archesporial, ariled, arillate, aroid, arthrosporic, arthrosporous, asclepiadaceous, ascocarpous, ascosporic, ascosporous, assurgent, autogamic, autogamous, autophytic, autotrophic, axial, axile, axillary, basal, basidiomycetous, basidiosporous, basifixed, basipetal, basiscopic, bast, bicapsular, biennial, biennial, bifid, bilabiate, bladed, blister, brachiate, bryophytic, bullate, callus, calyceal, calycinal, calycine, calyx, cambial, cancellate, cancellated, capsular, capsulate, capsulated, carpellate, caulescent, cauline, cauline, chlamydeous, clathrate, cohesion, coma, comal, comate, comate, comose, comose, composite, compound, convolute, convoluted, cork, corolla, corona, cruciferous, cyclic, cymose, determinate, dextrorsal, dextrorse, diclinous, dissilience, division, double, embryo, endogamic, endogamous, epiphytic, estivation, etiolation, exogamic, exogamous, fastigiate, flora, foliate, foliation, foliolate, germ tube, growth regulator, heterotrophic, homostyled, homostylic, homostylous, imbricate, imbricated, indeterminate, invaginate, involucrate, involute, inward-developing, kingdom Plantae, leaf node, leafing, ligneous, ligule, lip, lithophytic, lobe, monoclinous, myrmecophytic, natural scientist, naturalist, node, one-year, opposite, outward-developing, paired, panicled, paniculate, papilla, parthenocarpy, pentamerous, perennial, perennial, peristome, phellem, phloem, phyllodial, phytohormone, pistillate, pistillate, pitcher, plant, plant hormone, plant kingdom, plant life, Plantae, pollen tube, precocious, racemose, radical, rolled, root, rough, rugose, scapose, scurf, self-pollinating, simple, single, sinistrorsal, sinistrorse, smooth, spicate, spike, sporulate, sporulate, squamulose, staminate, stemless, stemmed, style, taproot, terete, tomentose, torulose, trifid, two-lipped, two-year, umbelliferous, umbelliform, unsubdivided, venation, vernation

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