Engelsk ordbog

Tip: Jokertegn må gerne anvendes flere gange i hver søgning.

Engelsk navneord: oral communication

1. oral communication (om kommunikation) (language) communication by word of mouth

Eksempler med tilsvarende betydningHis speech was garbled.
He uttered harsh language.
He recorded the spoken language of the streets.

Termer med samme betydning (synonymer)language, speech, speech communication, spoken communication, spoken language, voice communication

Mindre specifikke termerauditory communication

Mere specifikke termercharm, conversation, dictation, discussion, expression, give-and-take, idiolect, locution, magic spell, magical spell, monologue, monologue, non-standard speech, orthoepy, pronunciation, saying, soliloquy, spell, word, words

Overordnet emneområdelanguage, linguistic communication

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