Engelsk ordbog

Info: Dette websted er baseret på WordNet fra Princeton University.

Engelsk navneord: grammar

1. grammar (om erkendelse) the branch of linguistics that deals with syntax and morphology (and sometimes also deals with semantics)

Mindre specifikke termerdescriptive linguistics

Mere specifikke termerdescriptive grammar, morphology, prescriptive grammar, syntax

Overordnet emneområdelinguistics

Indenfor samme emneområdeaccusative, active, active, agree, aoristic, article, asyndetic, attributive, attributive genitive, attributively, clause, constituent, contrastive, coordinating, coordinative, copulative, correlative, declarative, dependent, descriptive, dynamic, endocentric, exocentric, finite, future, genitive, gerundial, grammatical category, grammatical constituent, head, head word, illative, imperative, independent, indicative, infinite, interrogative, intransitive, limiting, main, modify, nominal, nominative, non-finite, nonrestrictive, normative, object, objective, optative, parse, participial, passive, possessive, predicative, prenominal, prescriptive, qualified, qualify, quantifier, reflexive, restricted, scopal, self-referent, stative, strong, subject, subjunctive, subordinate, subordinating, subordinative, substantival, syndetic, syntactic category, transitive, unrestricted, weak

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