Engelsk ordbog

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Engelsk navneord: politician

1. politician (om person) a leader engaged in civil administration

Mindre specifikke termerleader

Mere specifikke termercity manager, governor, legislator, mayor

2. politician (om person) a person active in party politics

Termer med samme betydning (synonymer)pol, political leader, politico

Mindre specifikke termerleader

Mere specifikke termerboss, campaigner, candidate, Communist, demagog, demagogue, Democrat, Federalist, Grigori Aleksandrovich Potemkin, Grigori Potemkin, Grigori Potyokin, hack, Labourite, machine politician, Mugwump, national leader, nominee, noncandidate, party boss, party liner, party man, political boss, political hack, Potemkin, Potyokin, rabble-rouser, Republican, sachem, socialist, solon, standard-bearer, statesman, technocrat, ward-heeler, Whig

Eksempler på forekomster af mere specifikke termer1st Baron Beaverbrook, Aaron Burr, Alben Barkley, Alben William Barkley, Andre Maginot, Astor, Barkley, Beaverbrook, Boy Orator of the Platte, Bradley, Bryan, Burr, Charles Joseph Clark, Chase, Clark, Clay, Clinton, Crockett, Daniel Patrick Moynihan, Daniel Webster, David Crockett, Davy Crockett, DeWitt Clinton, Douglas, Glenda Jackson, Great Commoner, Henry Clay, Houston, Jackson, Jackson, Jeannette Rankin, Jesse Jackson, Jesse Louis Jackson, Joe Clark, Joseph McCarthy, Joseph Raymond McCarthy, Little Giant, Maginot, McCarthy, Moynihan, Mullah Mohammed Omar, Mullah Omar, Nancy Witcher Astor, Nellie Ross, Nellie Tayloe Ross, Peel, Rankin, Robert Peel, Ross, Salmon P. Chase, Salmon Portland Chase, Sam Houston, Samuel Houston, Seward, Sir Robert Peel, Stephen A. Douglas, Stephen Arnold Douglas, the Great Compromiser, Thomas Bradley, Tom Bradley, Viscountess Astor, Webster, William Henry Seward, William Jennings Bryan, William Maxwell Aitken

3. politician (om person) a schemer who tries to gain advantage in an organization in sly or underhanded ways

Mindre specifikke termerplotter, schemer

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