Engelsk navneord: occurrence |
1. | occurrence (om begivenhed) an event that happens |
| Termer med samme betydning (synonymer) | happening, natural event, occurrent |
| Mindre specifikke termer | event |
| Mere specifikke termer | accident, accompaniment, alteration, appearance, attendant, avalanche, beginning, black eye, blow, bonanza, boom, break, bunce, burst, case, chance event, change, co-occurrence, collapse, collapse, computer error, conclusion, concomitant, contact, contingence, contingency, convergence, crash, destiny, disappearance, disappearance, discharge, ending, episode, error, eruption, eventuality, example, experience, failure, fate, finish, finish, fire, flare-up, flash, fortuity, godsend, gold rush, gravy, impinging, incident, instance, interruption, irruption, juncture, manna from heaven, marvel, miracle, modification, motion, movement, news event, occasion, one-off, outbreak, outburst, periodic event, recurrent event, reversal, reverse, setback, sound, striking, stroke, success, supervention, thing, treat, trouble, union, windfall, wonder |
2. | occurrence (om tilstand) an instance of something occurring |
| Eksempler med tilsvarende betydning | A disease of frequent occurrence. The occurrence (or presence) of life on other planets.
| Mindre specifikke termer | presence |
| Mere specifikke termer | allopatry, sympatry |