Engelsk ordbog

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Engelsk tillægsord: oscine

1. oscine of or relating to the songbirds

Engelsk navneord: oscine

1. oscine (om dyr) passerine bird having specialized vocal apparatus

Termer med samme betydning (synonymer)oscine bird

Mindre specifikke termerpasseriform bird, passerine

Mere specifikke termeraccentor, American oriole, Australian magpie, babbler, bird of paradise, blue mockingbird, bluebird, bowerbird, cackler, catbird, catbird, corvine bird, creeper, dipper, Dumetella carolinensis, fairy bluebird, finch, flycatcher, gray catbird, grey catbird, honey eater, honeycreeper, honeysucker, lark, lark, Melanotis caerulescens, Mimus polyglotktos, mocker, mocking thrush, mockingbird, New World oriole, New Zealand wren, nutcracker, nuthatch, Old World flycatcher, Old World oriole, oriole, oriole, pipit, shrike, songbird, songster, starling, swallow, swallow shrike, tanager, thrasher, thrush, tit, titlark, titmouse, tree creeper, true flycatcher, vireo, wagtail, warbler, water ouzel, waxwing, weaver, weaver finch, weaverbird, wood swallow

Tilhører disse overordnede termerOscines, Passeres, suborder Oscines, suborder Passeres

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