Engelsk ordbog

Tip: Spørgsmålstegn (?) kan anvendes som jokertegn (wild card). Spørgsmålstegnet erstatter præcis et tegn.

Engelsk tillægsord: animal

1. animal marked by the appetites and passions of the body

Eksempler med tilsvarende betydningAnimal instincts.
Carnal knowledge.
Fleshly desire.
A sensual delight in eating.
Music is the only sensual pleasure without vice.

Termer med samme betydning (synonymer)carnal, fleshly, sensual

Termer med lignende betydningphysical

Termer med modsat betydning (antonymer)mental

Engelsk navneord: animal

1. animal a living organism characterized by voluntary movement

Termer med samme betydning (synonymer)animate being, beast, brute, creature, fauna

Mindre specifikke termerbeing, organism

Mere specifikke termeracrodont, adult, biped, captive, chordate, conceptus, creepy-crawly, critter, darter, domestic animal, domesticated animal, ectotherm, embryo, feeder, female, fertilized egg, fictional animal, game, giant, herbivore, hexapod, homeotherm, homoiotherm, homotherm, insectivore, invertebrate, larva, male, marine animal, marine creature, mate, metazoan, migrator, molter, moulter, mutant, offspring, omnivore, peeper, pest, pet, pleurodont, poikilotherm, predator, predatory animal, prey, pureblood, purebred, quarry, racer, range animal, scavenger, sea animal, sea creature, stayer, stunt, survivor, thoroughbred, varment, varmint, work animal, young, zooplankton

Omfatter disse specifikke termercaput, face, head

Tilhører disse overordnede termeranimal kingdom, Animalia, kingdom Animalia

Vedrærer disse specifikke termeranimal tissue

Indenfor samme emneområdeactinomycete, adult, all-devouring, big, body, bone, bone-covered, crested, crop, debone, diet, domesticate, domesticate, domesticise, domesticize, drench, epizootic, flesh-eating, free-swimming, full-grown, fully grown, graze, gregarious, grown, grownup, half-blooded, half-bred, half-breed, hispid, humaneness, insectivorous, meat-eating, micro-organism, microorganism, nose, organic structure, pasture, physical structure, phytophagic, phytophagous, phytophilous, plant-eating, reclaim, registered, ritual killing, sacrifice, schistosome dermatitis, side, sitter, social, stander, swimmer's itch, tame, tame, topknotted, tracking, trailing, transmitter, trap, tufted, unattached, unregistered, vector, wart, zoophagous

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