Engelsk navneord: phantom |
1. | phantom (om person) a ghostly appearing figure |
| Eksempler med tilsvarende betydning | We were unprepared for the apparition that confronted us.
| Termer med samme betydning (synonymer) | apparition, fantasm, phantasm, phantasma, specter, spectre |
| Mindre specifikke termer | disembodied spirit, spirit |
| Mere specifikke termer | Flying Dutchman |
2. | phantom (om erkendelse) something existing in perception only |
| Eksempler med tilsvarende betydning | A ghostly apparition at midnight.
| Termer med samme betydning (synonymer) | apparition, fantasm, phantasm, phantasma, shadow |
| Mindre specifikke termer | illusion, semblance |
| Mere specifikke termer | Flying Dutchman, flying saucer, ghost, shade, specter, spectre, spook, UFO, unidentified flying object, wraith |