Engelsk ordbok

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Engelsk substantiv: banishment

1. banishment (om tilstand) the state of being banished or ostracized (excluded from society by general consent)

Eksempler med tilsvarende betydningThe association should get rid of its elderly members--not by euthanasia, of course, but by Coventry.

Ord med samme betydning (synonymer)Coventry, ostracism

Mindre spesifikke uttrykkexclusion

2. banishment (om handling) rejection by means of an act of banishing or proscribing someone

Ord med samme betydning (synonymer)proscription

Mindre spesifikke uttrykkrejection

Mere spesifikke uttrykkanathematisation, anathematization, deportation, disbarment, ejection, excision, exclusion, excommunication, exile, expatriation, expulsion, relegation, riddance, rustication, transportation

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