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English noun: mood

1. mood (feeling) a characteristic (habitual or relatively temporary) state of feeling

SamplesWhether he praised or cursed me depended on his temper at the time.
He was in a bad humor.

Synonymshumor, humour, temper

Broader (hypernym)feeling

Narrower (hyponym)amiability, distemper, good humor, good humour, good temper, ill humor, ill humour, peeve, sulk, sulkiness

2. mood (state) the prevailing psychological state

SamplesThe climate of opinion.
The national mood had changed radically since the last election.


Broader (hypernym)condition, status

3. mood verb inflections that express how the action or state is conceived by the speaker

Synonymsmodality, mode

Broader (hypernym)grammatical relation

Narrower (hyponym)common mood, declarative, declarative mood, fact mood, imperative, imperative form, imperative mood, indicative, indicative mood, interrogative, interrogative mood, jussive mood, optative, optative mood, subjunctive, subjunctive mood

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