English dictionary

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English adjective: contingent

1. contingent possible but not certain to occur

SamplesThey had to plan for contingent expenses.



2. contingent determined by conditions or circumstances that follow

SamplesArms sales contingent on the approval of congress.

Synonymscontingent on, contingent upon, dependant on, dependant upon, dependent on, dependent upon, depending on


Antonymsunconditional, unconditioned

3. contingent uncertain because of uncontrollable circumstances

SamplesThe results of confession were not contingent, they were certain.


Antonymssure, certain

English noun: contingent

1. contingent (group) a gathering of persons representative of some larger group

SamplesEach nation sent a contingent of athletes to the Olympics.

Broader (hypernym)assemblage, gathering

2. contingent (group) a temporary military unit

SamplesThe peacekeeping force includes one British contingent.


Broader (hypernym)force, military force, military group, military unit

Domain categoryarmed forces, armed services, military, military machine, war machine

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