English dictionary

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English adjective: junior

1. junior younger; lower in rank; shorter in length of tenure or service

Similarjr., junior-grade, lower-ranking, lowly, minor, petty, secondary, subaltern, younger

See alsoimmature, subordinate, young

Attributehigher rank, higher status, senior status, seniority


2. junior used of the third or next to final year in United States high school or college

SamplesThe junior class.
A third-year student.

Synonymsnext-to-last, third-year



3. junior including or intended for youthful persons

SamplesA junior sports league.
Junior fashions.

Similarimmature, young


English noun: junior

1. junior (person) term of address for a disrespectful and annoying male

SamplesLook here, junior, it's none of your business.

Broader (hypernym)arriviste, nouveau-riche, parvenu, upstart

2. junior (person) a third-year undergraduate

Broader (hypernym)lowerclassman, underclassman

3. junior (person) the younger of two persons

SamplesShe is two years my junior.

Broader (hypernym)individual, mortal, person, somebody, someone, soul

4. Junior (person) a son who has the same first name as his father

SynonymsJnr, Jr

Broader (hypernym)boy, son

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