English dictionary

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English noun: duet

1. duet (quantity) two items of the same kind

Synonymsbrace, couple, couplet, distich, duad, duo, dyad, pair, span, twain, twosome, yoke

Broader (hypernym)2, deuce, II, two

Narrower (hyponym)doubleton

Part holonymfellow, mate

2. duet (group) two performers or singers who perform together

Synonymsduette, duo

Broader (hypernym)musical group, musical organisation, musical organization

Instance hyponymLaurel and Hardy

3. duet (group) a pair who associate with one another

SamplesThe engaged couple.
An inseparable twosome.

Synonymscouple, duo, twosome

Broader (hypernym)pair

Narrower (hyponym)same-sex marriage

4. duet (communication) a musical composition for two performers

Synonymsduette, duo

Broader (hypernym)composition, musical composition, opus, piece, piece of music

Part holonymprimo, secondo

5. duet (act) (ballet) a dance for two people (usually a ballerina and a danseur noble)

Synonymspas de deux

Broader (hypernym)dance, dancing, saltation, terpsichore

Part holonymadagio

Part meronymballet, concert dance

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