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English noun: medical specialist

1. medical specialist (person) practices one branch of medicine


Broader (hypernym)doc, doctor, Dr., MD, medico, physician

Narrower (hyponym)accoucheur, anaesthetist, anesthesiologist, anesthetist, baby doctor, brain doctor, cardiologist, chiropodist, dermatologist, diagnostician, diplomate, ear doctor, ear specialist, ear-nose-and-throat doctor, embryologist, endocrinologist, ENT man, eye doctor, foot doctor, geriatrician, gerontologist, gynaecologist, gynecologist, haematologist, head-shrinker, heart specialist, heart surgeon, hematologist, hygienist, internist, neurologist, obstetrician, oculist, oncologist, ophthalmologist, orthopaedist, orthopedist, orthoptist, otolaryngologist, otologist, otorhinolaryngologist, paediatrician, pathologist, pediatrician, pediatrist, podiatrist, proctologist, psychiatrist, radiographer, radiologist, radiotherapist, rheumatologist, rhinolaryngologist, shrink, skin doctor, urologist, woman's doctor

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