English dictionary

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English noun: radiance

1. radiance (phenomenon) the amount of electromagnetic radiation leaving or arriving at a point on a surface

Synonymsglow, glowing

Broader (hypernym)light, visible light, visible radiation

Narrower (hyponym)aureole, corona

2. radiance (attribute) the quality of being bright and sending out rays of light

Synonymseffulgence, radiancy, refulgence, refulgency, shine

Broader (hypernym)brightness

Narrower (hyponym)burnish, gleam, gleaming, gloss, glossiness, glow, lambency, luster, lustre, polish, sheen, shininess

3. radiance (state) an attractive combination of good health and happiness

SamplesThe radiance of her countenance.

Broader (hypernym)felicity, good health, happiness, healthiness

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