English dictionary

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English noun: glimpse

1. glimpse (act) a quick look

Synonymscoup d'oeil, glance

Broader (hypernym)look, looking, looking at

Narrower (hyponym)eye-beaming, side-glance, side-look

2. glimpse (cognition) a brief or incomplete view

SamplesFrom the window he could catch a glimpse of the lake.

Broader (hypernym)aspect, panorama, prospect, scene, view, vista

3. glimpse (communication) a vague indication

SamplesHe caught only a glimpse of the professor's meaning.

Broader (hypernym)indicant, indication

English verb: glimpse

1. glimpse (perception) catch a glimpse of or see briefly

SamplesWe glimpsed the Queen as she got into her limousine.

Pattern of useSomebody ----s something

Broader (hypernym)see

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